Enrollment Timeline

Understanding the timeline for enrolling can make the process easier

Use the guide below to see the overall enrollment timeline and process — and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all!


Understanding the

Enrollment Process

Step 1: APPLY

Any family can submit a free online application by 5pm on April 1st. Applications received after April 1st will join the waitlist automatically.

Step 2: Lottery

Students will be randomly selected for admission, with preference given to siblings, children of employees, transient and in-district students, and students who qualify for free and reduced priced lunch.

Step 3: Offers

Offers will be extended via SchoolMint, email, text, phone, and mail the first week of April. If families do not receive an offer, they will automatically be added to the waitlist.

Step 4: Accept & Register

Families can accept their offer in SchoolMint. They will need proof of their child's age, proof of address, and proof of guardianship to register.

Step 5: Join Us!

Families who receive an offer will be invited to visit our schools, meet principals and teachers, and complete their registration.

The enrollment process in New York City includes FIVE steps. This guide walks you through each step, and offers opportunities to learn more at each stage. If you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Enrollment Team — that is what we are here for!