FAQs About Enrolling
Enrollment can be complicated — we have answers!
Please find a collection of our most frequently asked questions below. And if you have a question that isn't answered — or you simply want to talk with someone live! — contact our Enrollment Team any time using the information below.

You can first apply to Prospect Schools for kindergarten in the calendar year that your child turns 5-years-old; students enrolling in kindergarten for fall 2024 will have been born in 2019. For kindergarten, 6th, and 9th grade (and 5th grade at SYMS), families submit an application to be entered in our blind lottery for available open seats. To apply for grades without a lottery (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th (DTES & IES), 7th, 8th, and 10th) families submit an application to our waitlists. NOTE: due to credit requirements, Prospect Schools does not enroll new students in 11th or 12th grade.
Applications to Prospect Schools are submitted using SchoolMint at this link. Simply sign up and create an account to get started on your application. You can easily review your application status and/or edit your application at any time by signing back in to your SchoolMint account. Be sure to submit your application before April 1, 2024 @ 10:00PM.
Applications to all seven Prospect Schools opened in October and will remain open until new enrollment ends in fall 2024. Apply before April 1, 2024 @ 10:00 PM to be eligible for the lottery. All Applications submitted after April 1 will be added to our waitlists.
There is no deadline. Waitlist offers are made to families as seats become available. Most offers will be made between April and September. In general, our schools do not accept new students after December.
For assistance or questions about submitting an application, contact our enrollment team at enrollment@prospectschools.org. For SchoolMint specific support, you can call (855) 957-3535 or email support@schoolmint.com.
All enrollment is done through our waitlist. If you are interested in transferring, submit an application to our waitlist through SchoolMint.
Lottery & Waitlist
For kindergarten, 6th, and 9th grade (5th grade at SYMS for school year 2024-25), families submit an application to be entered in our blind lottery for available open seats. To be considered for our lottery, you must submit an application by April 1, 2024 at 10:00 PM. All applications submitted after April 1, will be added to our waitlist and offered a seat as they become available. To apply for Kindergarten, 6th, or 9th grade, you must submit a lottery application between October and April. In April, we will run a lottery for these grade levels.
Although our lottery is blind, it gives higher preference to families with the following priorities if they:
- Have a child who is already enrolled at Prospect Schools (Sibling Preference)
- Are employed by Prospect Schools (Employee Preference)
- Qualify as transient
- Have a child who qualifies for Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRL Preference - learn more here)
5. Reside within the district of the school they are applying to. (In-District Preference - check your district here).
If a child has a sibling who is either currently enrolled with Prospect Schools or has an active offer to enroll at Prospect Schools, that child qualifies for sibling preference. Siblings are defined as two students who share a guardian and a primary household.
Qualifying for free and reduced lunch is based on income and household size as determined by the state of New York. Use the following table to determine your child eligibility:
Household Size |
Annual |
Monthly |
Twice per Month |
Every Two Weeks |
Weekly |
1 |
$26,973 |
$2,248 |
$1,124 |
$1,038 |
$519 |
2 |
$36,482 |
$3,041 |
$1,521 |
$1,404 |
$702 |
3 |
$45,991 |
$3,833 |
$1,917 |
$1,769 |
$885 |
4 |
$55,500 |
$4,625 |
$2,313 |
$2,135 |
$1,068 |
5 |
$65,009 |
$5,418 |
$2,709 |
$2,501 |
$1,251 |
6 |
$74,518 |
$6,210 |
$3,105 |
$2,867 |
$1,434 |
7 |
$84,027 |
$7,003 |
$3,502 |
$3,232 |
$1,616 |
8 |
$93,536 |
$7,795 |
$3,898 |
$3,598 |
$1,799 |
Each Addíl person, add |
$9,509 |
$793 |
$397 |
$366 |
$183 |
You can view this document for more details as established by the State of New York.
To receive this preference, students must reside in the district in which the school building is located (District 15 for Brooklyn Prospect High School, Sunset Yards Middle School, and Sunset Yards Elementary School, or District 13 for Downtown Elementary School, International Elementary School, Clinton Hill Middle School, and Windsor Terrace Middle School). District preference is solely determined by where the student resides and not where the student attends pre-k, elementary or middle school. The authoritative site for determining school district is *Residence must be confirmed at the time of registration. Families who are unable to document in district residence will be placed at the end of the waitlist.
Our intake grade lotteries determine the waitlist order. Families will move to the top of the waitlist if they: 1 have a child who already attends Prospect Schools, 2 are employed by Prospect Schools, or 3 Qualify as transient. If there are more students waitlisted that available seats in a given year, those applications will rollover to the waitlist to the next grade for the following year. Note: after grades 5 and 8 out waitlist is cleared and all applicants who have not received a seat at Prospect Schools must submit for either the 6th or 9th grade lottery.
This is hard to determine because the likelihood varies from year to year. Each year, we have a different number of applicants, and we continue to add additional school options.
Our waitlist is dynamic, so your position on it may go up or down. You will move up on the waitlist if we are able to start making offers to students higher up on the list. Your number on the waitlist would go down if a child with higher priority joins the waitlist. For example, if your child does not have a sibling, and another applicant with a sibling joins the waitlist, they will go ahead of you in line for an offer.
Seat Offers
Our lottery drawings will commence on April 2, 2024 at 1PM. By state law, lottery drawings are open to the public. However, please be aware that you will not be able to obtain your results the day of the lottery. We will release results the week of the public lottery. Families who receive offers will be notified via email, telephone, and mail.
To accept an offer, login to your SchoolMint account. There’s an option under your "Student Dashboard" to "Accept" or "Decline" the offer. If you accept the offer, a button to register will appear. You can also expect to hear directly from your new school for additional support and guidance.
In general, families have two weeks from when they are offered a seat to accept, and two additional weeks to begin registration and secure their seat. Once we begin making offers in April, we will post specific deadlines.
Registration and Enrollment
Once you receive an offer, the next step will be to accept the offer on SchoolMint. After accepting the offer, you’ll be walked through the steps of submitting your registration documents. Submitting your documents secures your child’s seat for the fall.
You will need to upload child’s birth certificate, proof of guardianship, proof of residency, and guardian ID through SchoolMint to secure your child’s seat. From the day you accept your offer, you have two weeks to secure your seat by uploading the required documents.
- A copy of the student’s birth certificate
- A copy of the student’s passport
- A lease agreement, deed or mortgage statement for the residence, or rent receipt including the address of the residence & dated within the past 60 days
- A residential utility bill (gas or electric, water) in the resident’s name & dated within the past 60 days
- A bill for cable television services provided to the residence; must include the name of the parent, address of the residence & within the past 60 days
- Documentation or letter on letterhead from a federal, state, or local government agency, including the IRS, the City Housing Authority, the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Human Resources Administration, or the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), or an ACS subcontractor, indicating the resident’s name and address, must be dated within the past 60 days
- A current property tax bill for the residence or Income tax form for the last calendar year
- Official payroll documentation from an employer-issued within the past 60 days such as a paystub with home address, a form submitted for tax withholding purposes or payroll receipt (a letter on the employer’s letterhead is not adequate), must include home address and be dated within the past 60 days
- Voter registration documents, which include the name of the parent and the address of residence Unexpired membership documents based upon residency (e.g., neighborhood residents’ association), which include the name of the parent and the address of residence
IF SUBLETTING OR RESIDING IN A HOME WHERE APPLICANT’S PARENT IS NOT A LEASE-HOLDER: You must provide a notarized “Address Affidavit” signed by both the primary leaseholder and the parent affirming that the family is residing in this home, and submit one of the forms of proof above that shows the leaseholder’s name.
*UNDER THE MCKINNEY VENTO LAW, IF A STUDENT APPLICANT IS HOMELESS: S/he is considered a school district resident if a signed form is submitted indicating that:
- a) his/her last permanently held address is in that school district
- b) his/her temporary housing is located in that school district
- State, city, or other government-issued identification (including an IDNYC card), which has not expired
- Official NYS Driver’s License or learner’s permit which has not expired
- Passport which has not expired
- Military identification which has not expired
- Student’s birth certificate which lists mother and/or father’s name(s)
- Evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers, documents must have been issued within the past 90 days and include name of student
School Programming
A tight knit school community, Prospect Schools offers families a 13 year program for grades K through 12. This consistency and longevity allow our students to focus on academics, instead of being overwhelmed by the middle and high school application process which can be so stressful. We are one of the few non-selective, K-12 schools in New York City offering the International Baccalaureate program which provides rigor and focus on a whole child-development. Enjoy individualized attention: with a low student:faculty ratio, every teacher in the building knows our students. Benefit from an extraordinarily diverse learning environment. We have students and teachers who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and who, together, provide a high quality education.
In elementary school, we provide bussing for many students to and from school. Our bus routes are determined by the Office of Pupil Transportation. Currently at Downtown Elementary School, our bus routes run through Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Prospect Lefferts Gardens. For students living over a mile from school, they have the option of receiving a MetroCard instead. At our current International Elementary School located Downtown, our bus routes run through Crown Heights, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Ocean Hill, Fort Greene, Prospect Heights, and Clinton Hills.
Prospect Schools greatly values and recognizes the many benefits of multilingualism for our students and their families, as well as our school communities. Our schools offer integrated English as a New Language programming that is developed to support each MLL student’s unique academic and linguistic profiles. Programming also varies by campus based on their student populations. When possible, Prospect Schools provides multilingual students with the opportunity to further develop their home language skills (Spanish and Mandarin only). Each school has a designated MLL liaison who may also serve as the dedicated teacher for MLL supports.
Prospect Schools offers various programs and services to provide access and support to exceptional learners. To facilitate start-of-year programming appropriate to your student's IEP or 504, please connect with your school's student support team by reaching out to your registrar.
Our afterschool programs are a safe space for students to explore their interests and learn and develop skills through high-quality extracurricular opportunities. Through guidance and preparation, our programs allow students to build confidence, form new and existing friendships, and develop skills to support social-emotional growth and positively impact their life-long passions.
After school is provided 5 days a week across all our school, with elementary and middle schools going until 6:00 PM everyday. For details about our after school program please see this document.
Our Schools by Location
Prospect Map
Our schools are all located in Brooklyn — find the location best for you!
Downtown Brooklyn: Downtown Elementary and Downtown Middle are located on the same campus.
Sunset Park: Sunset Elementary and Sunset Middle are located on the same campus.
Bed-Stuy / Clinton Hill: International Elementary School and Clinton Hill Middle School are located near each other.
Windsor Terrace: Our Brooklyn Prospect High School is located here.
Questions? We're here for you!
Our full-time enrollment team is here to help you answer any questions and navigate the NYC enrollment process. Feel free to call us anytime at 718.643.1086 or email us at enrollment@prospectschools.org
Nick Fiori
Director of Student Recruitment and Enrollment
Charkeiah Ross
Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist
Brayan De Los Rios
Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist